Saturday, July 28, 2012

Rainbow Party (6/25)

 Kelsey requested a rainbow birthday party.  My sister and I baked this cake.  We divided two boxes of white cake into 6 bowls and added Wilton's food dye to each.  We then dolloped each color in order of the rainbow into a bundt pan.  Bake as directed on the box.  Cool.  Remove from pan.  We then made a delicious butter cream frosting. (I don't have the recipe on hand but I'm sure it can be googled. You boil flour and milk, butter, and sugar.)
 Target's party section had the HAPPY BIRTHDAY rainbow candles and the sparkle 5.

Guests were asked to wear their favorite color.  Audrey obviously has many!
 The invitation suggested a spectrum of colorful snacks would be served.  We provided assorted fruit, fruit pizza, Skittles, colorful veggies & dip, tri-color pasta salad, and colorful juices with colorful straws.  The plates were RED & ORANGE, napkins were YELLOW & GREEN, the utensils were INDIGO & BLUE, and the tablecloth was VIOLET!
 Books all about colors and rainbows were set out on the picnic blanket; the party was indoors because of poor weather so we didn't get to put out the moonbounce.
 Yummy fruit pizza.  Pre-made sugar cookie rolled out into a crust.  Vanilla pudding mixed with sour cream and milk.  Fresh fruit arranged in a rainbow!
 Rainbow straws & juice.
 Red, yellow, and orange peppers. Green cucumbers. Orange carrots. White "cloudy" ranch dressing.

 Homemade pinata from a diaper box wrapped in white paper.  We drew a large rainbow and colored it with markers.  I stapled blue shimmery ribbon for each guest to pull.  I wove a batch of colored ribbons in the center for the birthday girl (and rigged it so that the pinata spilled open only when the rainbow strings were tugged).  It was filled with clearance candy found at Walmart.
 Fruit Loops and colored ribbon were perfect for stringing edible rainbow bracelets.

 We bought a 7-pack of headbands at the $ store.  I used leftover pieces of ribbon from the invitations (see May post RAINBOW INVITATIONS) and tied them around the band to make a birthday rainbow "tiara."

 rainbow wrapping paper from the $ Store
 Rainbow blocks and xylophone!

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